Wheat Ridge High School Farmers Class of 1963

Vance Kolesar
Vance Kolesar

E - mail: 52046dlk - comcast - net

CSU was my first immaturing experience after WRHS. Next was marriage to Diane Hale(WRHS'64)-happily for 40yr. Then was a paid vacation to the Mekong Delta as a Naval officer on PBR's(river boats)-I really was in Cambodia! I returned to CU first for an MBA then for struct engineer after a short business career. While doing various construction projects around the country we started our family-3 great kids,all WRHS graduates(one is a phys asst, one a forester, and one an engineer).We have spent the last 3 decades in Denver running Home Inspection Engineers. We helped with WR kids activities thru the 80's and 90's including little leagues, bringing boy's lacrosse into Jeffco schools and WRHS politics to push a problem principal out. I am now anxious to move back to a house we fixed up near 26 and Simms St. and end our long time landlord career.

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